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Yom Tov

The Laws of Eruv Tavshilin – Tishrei 5785

By: Rabbi Akiva Niehaus, cRc Director of Kashrus Operations This Tishrei, 5785, we will have…

Inviting Non-Jews for a Yom Tov Meal

Rabbi Yisroel Langer, cRc Dayan On Yom Tov one is permitted to perform various melachos such…

The Beracha of Shehechiyanu on Yom Tov

Rabbi Yisroel Langer, cRc Dayan   At the beginning of every Yom Tov we recite the beracha…

Errors in Yom Tov Tefilah

Rabbi Yisroel Langer, cRc Dayan   Recital of Weekday Shemoneh Esrei on an Ordinary Yom Tov…

Simchas Yom Tov

Rabbi Yisroel Langer, cRc Dayan   The Torah commands ושמחת בחגך (Devorim 16:14) that…

Rus and the Three Time Rejection Rule

Rabbi Yona Reiss, cRc Av Beth Din Shavuos 5782 In Megilas Rus, we read about the persistent…

Shavuos – A Yom Tov that Transcends the Limits of Time

Rabbi Yona Reiss, cRc Av Beth Din Shavuos 5781 The Torah teaches us that there are three regalim…

Grape Juice From Concentrate

Rabbi Dovid Cohen Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator of the cRc November 2007 Over the…

Pas Yisroel During Aseres Y’mei Teshuvah

Rabbi Dovid Cohen Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator of the cRc Updated August 2023…

Amirah L’akum

Amirah L’akum Where the Melacha is Performed Adatah D’nafshey Rabbi Dovid Cohen Administrative…

Ovens with Sabbath Mode

Rabbi Dovid Cohen Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator Updated May 2020 Nowadays, many…