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General Kashrus Policies

General Kashrus Policy on:

Pureeing Policy

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According to cRc policy, one is permitted to thoroughly puree produce (when purchased for the purpose of blending) that is only moderately infested with insects (e.g., industrially frozen strawberries), or not known to be infested (e.g., zucchini), without additional checking.

With regards to more heavily infested produce (e.g., the produce listed below), one would have to soak and swish well in soapy water for approximately a minute prior to pureeing. Unless stated otherwise, "soap" means a small amount of soap or vegetable wash, just enough to make the produce a bit slippery. Some produce requires multiple washes, as listed below. It is not necessary to put soap in every round, just the first, third and fifth (if additional washes are required, as noted).

The following list applies to both fresh and frozen produce, unless otherwise specified. If the produce is frozen, let it sit in water until the outside is partially defrosted.

Asparagus: 1 wash
Blackberries: 2 washes
Blueberries: puree as-is; no additional washing or checking needed
Broccoli: break into smaller florets, then 3 washes, after first soaking in warm water for 20 minutes
Cauliflower: break into smaller florets, then 1 wash
Herbs: 1 wash
Kale: 3 washes; if packaging states "triple washed", then only 2 washes are needed
Lettuces, excluding kale, , but including spinach, spring mix, etc.,including triple washed: 2 washes
Raspberries: 2 washes
Strawberries, fresh: Swish vigorously in very soapy water once
Strawberries, industrially frozen: puree as-is; no additional washing or checking needed

Asparagus: 2 washes
Blackberries, fresh: 3 washes
Blackberries, frozen: 2 washes
Blueberries, fresh: 1 wash
Blueberries, frozen: puree as-is; no additional washing or checking needed
Broccoli: break into smaller florets, then 5 washes, after first soaking in warm water for 20 minutes
Cauliflower: break into smaller florets, then 1 wash
Herbs: 3 washes
Kale: 5 washes; if packaging states "triple washed", then only 3 washes are needed
Lettuces, excluding kale, but including spinach, spring mix, etc.: 3 washes; if triple washed, then 2 washes
Raspberries, fresh: 3 washes
Raspberries, frozen: 2 washes
Strawberries, fresh: Swish vigorously in "very soapy" water once, and repeat in plain water
Strawberries, industrially frozen: puree as-is; no additional washing or checking needed

When one is using a blender to puree, there should always be some torque involved, to ensure that it will get properly pureed. If there isn't any torque, we recommend adding a couple of ice cubes, along with the produce.

Note: This list is subject to change.