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General Kashrus Policies

General Kashrus Policy on:

Pas Yisroel

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Baked goods produced by industrial factories are only "pas Yisroel" if so indicated on the individual label or on their current cRc Kosher certificate.

All baked goods at cRc-certified restaurants, caterers, and retail bakeries in the Chicagoland area, should be assumed to be pas Yisroel with the following exceptions, which are not necessarily pas Yisroel: university food services, ice cream cones, and chalav stam products at Dunkin Donuts or school lunch programs.

To read an article by Rabbi Dovid Cohen about Pas Yisroel During Aseres Y'mei Teshuvah, click [[here][]].

See current cRc Pas Yisroel and Yoshon [[information][]].