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Educating Children
When children are old enough to comprehend a mitzvah’s concept, their parents are obligated to train them in its performance[1]. (This often begins at age five or six.[2]) This is especially true during the Seder night when there is a particular mitzvah for parents to teach their children about Yetziyas Mitzrayim (Shemos 13: 8). Corresponding to their age and ability, they must be encouraged to consume the required amount of foods and recite the necessary haggadah texts.
Timing of the Obligations
During the Seder, we eat in a reclining position. This is the manner of free, aristocratic people, and it commemorates the freedom that Hashem provided for us on this night.[7]
Matzah represents two aspects of our redemption from Mitzrayim. As “poor man’s” bread, it was what we ate during our subjugation.[15] It also represents the quickness with which Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim, since the dough that we prepared for the journey did not have time to rise and was baked into matzah.[16]
In order to fulfill this mitzvah at the Seder, it is not enough to use “Kosher for Passover” matzah. Rather, it is necessary that the matzah is also shmurah (protected). From its earliest stages of production, “shmurah matzah” is proactively shielded from water with the purpose of using it for the Seder.[17] Shmurah matzah is identified as such somewhere on its packaging.
There are different customs as to whether to use specifically the round, hand-made shmurah matzah or the square, machine-made shmurah matzah, but they are both technically acceptable.
Matzah that contains any liquid other than water is not the matzah that the Torah commands us to eat.[18] In fact, Ashkenazic custom forbids a healthy person from eating this type of matzah on Pesach[19]. One who is too weak to eat regular matzah should consult his or her rabbi to see if egg matzah is an appropriate option.
It is sometimes unclear how measurements in halacha convert into modern-day quantities. An instance of this is the minimum amount of matzah that must be eaten at the Seder. A generally accepted volume is ½ of a hand matzah or 2/3 of a standard machine matzah. This volume should be eaten both at the Achilas Matzah step as well as for the afikomen.
Marror reminds us of the bitter affliction we experienced in Mitzrayim.[22] Today, the obligation to eat marror is Rabbinic, since the Torah commandment applies only when it is eaten together with the Korban Pesach.[23]
Prepared romaine lettuce is often available with a reliable kosher certification.
Charoses is a mixture of ground fruit, nuts and red wine.[33] Before marror is eaten, it is dipped into charoses. The charoses is then shaken off to preserve the marror’s taste.[34] An explanation for this procedure can be found in the commentary of most haggadahs.
We are obligated to drink four cups of wine during the Seder. These cups commemorate the four levels of redemption[39] that Hashem provided for us.[40]
Cup Features
There are two measurements that need to be taken into account here: the volume of the cup and the amount of wine which needs to be consumed.
Cup Volume
In 2025, since both Sedarim are during the weekday, the cup volume for all four cups is a minimum of 2.9 fluid ounces.[46]
Volume to be Consumed
The following measurements of wine must be consumed in a normal manner without interruption.[47]
Cups | Fourth Cup | |
Minimum Cup Volume | Approx. 3 ounces | Approx. 3 ounces |
Basic Consumption Volume | 1.5 fluid ounces | Approx. 3 ounces |
Ideal Consumption Volume | Approx. 3 ounces or the majority of the cup – whichever is greater |
Type of Beverage
Red Wine | White Wine | Wine diluted with Grape Juice | Wine diluted with a small amount of Water | Grape Juice | Grape Juice diluted with a small amount of Water |
<<<<<< More Ideal Less Ideal >>>>>> |
[1] Mishna Berurah 343:2-3
[2] Mishna Berurah 128:123
[3] Shulchan Aruch 472:1 Mishna Berurah ad loc. Iggros Moshe IV:62
[4] Rema 477:1
[5] Rema 477:1
[6] Rema 477:1
[7] Rambam Chametz U’matzah 7:7
[8] Rema 472:4
[9] Halichos Bas Yisroel 23:24
[10] Mishna Berurah 472:7
[11] Rema 472:3
[12] See Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 5 P. 18
[13] Mishna Berurah 472:17
[14] Mishna Berurah 472:13
[15] Devarim 16:3 see Rashi ad. loc.
[16] Mishna Pesachim 115B
[17] Mishna Berura 453:21
[18] Shulchan Aruch 462:1
[19] Rema 462:4; see Oruch Hashulchan 462:4,5
[20] See Halachos of Pesach pg. 242- 243
[21] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 14 Paragraph 7
[22] Mishna Pesachim 115B
[23] Tur 472
[24] Shulchan Aruch 473:5
[25] Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deyah 84
[26] Shulchan Aruch 473:5
[27] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 15 Paragraph 6
[28] Adapted from Sefer Kezayis Hashalem, pages 98-101
[29] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 14 Paragraph 20
[30] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 16 Paragraph 11
[31] Shulchan Aruch 475:3
[32] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 14 Paragraph 7
[33] Rema 473:5
[34] Shulchan Aruch 475:1
[35] Rema 473:5
[36] Rema 473:5
[37] Rema 473:5
[38] Chayei Adam,Chapter 130
[39] Shemos 5:6-7
[40] Chayei Adam, Chapter 130:10
[41] Rema 473:1
[42] Biur Halacha 472 “shelo”
[43] Rema 183:2
[44] Shulchan Aruch 472:2
[45] Iggros Moshe III 39
[46] See Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 2 P. 6
[47] Mishna Berura 472:9
[48] Mishna Berura 472:33
[49] See Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 2 P. 9
[50] Mishna Berura 472:30 see Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder 2:7,8
[51] Mishna Berura 472:33
[52] Mishna Berura 472:30
[53] Shulchan Aruch 472:10 Mishna Berurah ad loc. 37
[54] Shulchan Aruch and Rema 472:11
[55] Mishna Berurah 472: 37
[56] Halachos of Pesach XX B 5
[57] Halachos of Pesach XX B 5
[58] See Mishna Berura 472:37