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Preparing for the Seder 2025

NOTE: Since in 2025, Erev Pesach is Shabbos, several preparations that are usually reserved for Erev Pesach must instead be done before Shabbos. Please see “The Days Before Pesach” article for more information.

General Preparations

  • When buying and preparing food for Pesach, one must be careful not to refer to a piece of meat as “for Pesach”, since this statement resembles the designation of an actual korban.[1] Violating this does not affect a food’s permitted status.
  • A Seder should have a leader who will guide and occasionally represent the group. He or she should be aware of this role ahead of time in order to become familiar with the various steps and texts.
  • Stock up on matzah, marror, grape juice, and/or wine, since a fair amount of these will be consumed.
    • Not all matzah and marror is suitable for the Seder. See Seder Highlights for a description of what can be used.
    • Everyone is required to eat a minimum volume of matzah and marror at the Seder, and if there are many guests, these will take a long time to portion out. It might be a good idea to prepare individual portions in advance and store them in disposable bags.
  • Taking the time to find a haggadah that appeals to you can make all the difference for a meaningful Seder.
    • Tip: Use one that has clear translations and instructions.
    • Tip: Be sure that the one you choose follows the customs of your tradition or community (e.g. Ashkenaz, Chassidic, or Eidus Hamizrach).
  • If one can afford it, it is a mitzvah to use and display beautiful silver or crystal pieces at the Seder[2] (bearing in mind that these items must be properly cleaned for Pesach).
  • When preparing for the main Seder meal, be aware that the custom is not to eat roasted meat or fowl during the Seder[3] Additionally, many communities do not dip foods, other than those prescribed in the haggadah.[4]
  • The Seder may not begin before nightfall, which is fifty minutes after sunset.
    • Although the Seder is to start as soon as possible, one may not prepare on Shabbos for Yom Tov; thus no distinct preparations may begin before nightfall.
      • Activities that are not clearly being done for another day, such as straightening up the house, are always permitted.

The Seder Plate

The Seder plate is a designated plate that contains the symbolic foods necessary for a Seder. A decorated one is nice but not necessary.

  • The items on the plate are marror, charoses, karpas, zeroah – a roasted leg or wing, and an egg that is cooked or roasted.[5]
    • Some have a custom to place salt water on the Seder plate as well.[6]
    • The zeroah and egg are symbolic of the two korbanos that we will bring on this night when the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt. The egg is customarily eaten at the start of Shulchan Orech (Seder Step 10). The zeroah is not eaten during the Seder night, but rather some other time during Pesach.

Important note: If the zeroah and egg were cooked after Yom Tov has started, they cannot be reused for the second Seder, since they must be eaten before the second day of Yom Tov begins. A second zeroah and egg will have to be cooked on the second night.

  • The common accepted[7] custom for arranging the Seder plate is:
    • Zeroah at the 1 o’clock position, charoses at 4 o’clock, romaine lettuce at 6 o’clock, karpas at 8 o’clock, egg at 11 o’clock and the horseradish in the middle.
  • Three whole matzos are placed next to or under the Seder They begin the Seder with a cover over them[8] (it is removed during some of the Seder steps).
  • If a leg or wing is unavailable for the zeroah, any bone with some meat on it may be used.[9]
  • Although the Seder plate is placed on the table in front of the leader,[10] the items are for all in attendance.[11] (Additional quantities are often necessary.)

Seder Steps

  • It is a mitzvah to distribute sweets to children at the beginning of the Seder in order to arouse their curiosity.[12]
  • Many have the custom of announcing the name of each Seder step before performing it.[13]
What am I Doing?

As each mitzvah is performed at the Seder, it is imperative to be conscious of it. In fact, according to many opinions, a mitzvah that was performed thoughtlessly does not fulfill the requirement![14] Therefore, it is a good idea to stop before doing each Seder Step and remind oneself about the mitzvah that is about to be fulfilled. This will go a long way in assuring that the mitzvos are performed properly, as well as add a tremendous amount of purpose to the Seder.

  1. Kadesh

The leader recites Kiddush over the first of the Four Cups on behalf of the group. (See Seder Highlights for more details regarding the Four Cups.)

  • All in attendance should hold their individual cups of wine during Kiddush. In some communities, everyone quietly recites Kiddush along with the leader.[15]
  • In 2025, at the first Seder, a special Havdallah text is added to Kiddush to mark the conclusion of Shabbos.
  • Spices are not used but a bracha is recited on the flames of the candles that were lit for Yom Tov. There are different opinions as to whether it is better to leave the candles separate, or whether the two flames should be joined when the bracha is recited.
  • A cursory glance at one’s fingernails is sufficient, and it is not necessary to gaze at them, as is usually done during Havdallah.
  • Shehechiyanu” is recited at the conclusion of Kiddush. This bracha applies to all the annual mitzvos of the Seder (matzah, marror, drinking four cups of wine, and Sippur Yetziyas Mitzrayim). As the bracha is recited, one should bear this reference in mind.[16]
    • Women who have the custom to recite Shehechiyanu when lighting candles do not repeat it at the Seder. They should listen to it as it is recited by someone else, and have in mind all the annual Seder mitzvos.[17]
  • The wine is consumed while reclining. There is a required minimum volume of wine/grape juice that each person must consume. (See Seder Highlights for more details.)
  1. Urchatz

Hands are washed in the same manner as before eating bread but without reciting a bracha.[18]

  • Unnecessary speech or activity is forbidden until the karpas is eaten.[19]
  1. Karpas

A piece of vegetable is dipped into salt water or vinegar for each person, the standard ha’adamah bracha is recited, and the vegetable is eaten. (Explanations for this step as well as the previous one can be found in the commentary of most ahaggadahs.)

  • There are different opinions as to whether to recline while eating karpas. The common practice is not to recline.[20]
  • Regarding which type of vegetable to use, customs vary between using a potato, celery, parsley or radish. If one does not have a particular custom, green vegetables are the preferred choice.[21]
  • Only a small amount is eaten. It should be less than the volume of one fluid ounce.[22]
  • When reciting the ha’adamah, one must have in mind that it should also apply to the marror.[23]
  1. Yachatz

The middle matzah is removed and broken into two pieces. The larger piece is referred to as the afikomen. It is wrapped in a bag or a cloth and saved for Tzafun (Seder Step 11). The smaller piece is returned to its place between the remaining two matzos.[24]

Simply, this step is in preparation for the recounting of Yetzias Mitzrayim, which is said over a piece of broken matzah.[25]

  • There is an age-old custom to hide the afikomen.[26] In some homes, children “snatch”[27] it and then hide it; in other homes, the parents hide it, and the children try to find it.
  • If there are no children at the Seder to keep this custom alive, the leader should merely “hide” the afikomen by placing it inside or under something else.
  1. Maggid

We fulfill the Torah obligation of recounting Yetziyas Mitzrayim. The narrative begins with the ignoble origins of our nation and describes our slavery in Mitzrayim, Hashem’s retribution to the Mitzrim and His miraculous deliverance, which culminated in giving us the Torah.

Tip: Pay attention to the instructions in your haggadah! At the beginning of this step, the entire Seder plate is removed, at some points, all in attendance raise their cups of wine and sometimes the matzos are lifted or covered.

  • While the texts are read, every participant must have a full cup of wine in front of him or her.[28]
  • One should not be leaning while reciting Maggid.[29]
  • If the entire Maggid text is too difficult to read or be present for[30], three paragraphs near the end entitled “Rabban Gamliel Haya Omer,” “Rabbi Gamliel would say” are the minimum requirement to be read or heard.[31] Second to this in importance is the Ten Plagues.[32]
    • Tip: It is always a good idea to translate these paragraphs, in case someone present does not understand them.
  • The haggadah text is not an end all. It is to be used as a springboard for further discussion of Yetziyas Mitzrayim. Utilize a haggadah with commentaries, and come up with your own questions and insights.
  • Maggid concludes with a long bracha, followed by the usual bracha over wine.[33] The second of the Four Cups is then consumed while reclining.
    • See Seder Highlights for more details regarding the Four Cups.

Four Questions

Near the beginning of Maggid are the Four Questions. These are asked by a child. If none is present, they are asked by an adult.[34]

Ten Plagues

When mentioning each of the ten plagues, a small bit of wine is removed from the wine cup. Some have the custom to do this with the index finger,[35] and others simply pour a little out.[36] Before Maggid continues, the cups are refilled with fresh wine.[37]

  1. Rachtzah

Everyone washes their hands as before eating bread. The usual brachaal netilas yadayim” is recited.[38]

  1. Motzi Matzah

The matzah is eaten. A minimum volume must be eaten in order to fulfill the mitzvah. (See Seder Highlights for more details.)

The leader makes two brachos on behalf of everyone present. The first one, “hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz”, is recited while holding all three matzos (the two whole ones with the broken one in between them). The bottom matzah is released, and the second bracha, “al achilas matzah”, is recited over the remaining two.[39]

A small piece from each of the two matzos is given to every participant. The leader should retain the required amount from these matzos for him/herself – eating about half of the required amount from each one.[40] (All other participants usually need to supplement their small pieces with additional matzah in order to have the required amount.)

  • The matzah is not dipped in salt at the Seder.[41]
  • Recline while eating the matzah.[42]
  • Once the brachos over matzah have been recited, unnecessary interruption should be avoided until after Korech (Seder Step 9).[43]
  1. Marror

A specific bracha is recited and the marror is dipped into charoses and eaten.[44]

  • One does not recline while eating marror.[45]
  • See Seder Highlights for more details pertaining to marror and charoses.
  1. Korech

A statement in the Haggadah is recited and matzah and marror are eaten in the same mouthful. According to one opinion in the Mishna, this was (and will be) the manner of eating the Korban Pesach.[46]

The single, remaining matzah before the leader is used for Korech.[47] Pieces of it are broken off and distributed to all participants. (Since each person must have the required amount of matzah and marror, it is likely that these pieces will need to be supplemented.)

  • Korech is eaten while reclining.[48] There are different opinions whether it is dipped into charoses.[49]
  • See Seder Highlights for the correct volumes to be used in Korech.
  1. Shulchan Orech

The main meal is eaten.

  • It is proper to recline while eating the meal.[50]
  • Be careful not to eat too much! The afikomen (Seder Step 11) must be eaten with some appetite.[51]
  • Roasted meat or fowl – including the zeroah from the Seder plate – are not eaten during the Seder[52]
    • Since the zeroah was used for a mitzvah, it may not be discarded but rather, it should be eaten at a different time.[53]
  • Two common customs pertaining to Shulchan Orech are:
    • To begin the meal by eating the egg from the Seder plate.[54]
    • Not to dip any foods are dipped throughout the meal.[55]
  1. Tzafun

The afikomen that had been hidden since Yachatz (Seder Step 4) is retrieved at this step. It is eaten for “dessert” to commemorate the Korban Pesach that was also eaten at the end of the meal.[56] See Seder Highlights for details pertaining to the matzah.

  • If the afikomen matzah from Yachatz is unavailable or insufficient, any matzah may be used.
  • The afikomen is eaten while reclining.[57]
  • The afikomen must be concluded before the middle of the night. [58] In 2025, that time is 12:52 AM in the Chicago area.
  • Since the afikomen is eaten in remembrance of the Korban Pesach, some laws pertaining to the sacrifice are applied to it as well.
    • For the duration of the Seder night, the afikomen taste is to remain in one’s mouth, and no solid food may be eaten after it.[59] If food was eaten, and the next step has not yet begun[60], it can be rectified by eating a small amount of matzah.[61]
    • One may only drink mellow beverages, such as water or tea, after the afikomen.[62] (Of course, the last two cups of wine are permitted.)
    • While eating the afikomen, one may not switch seats to sit at a different table.[63]
  1. Barech

Birchas Hamazon is recited over a full cup of wine.[64] The cups are rinsed out in anticipation of this step.[65]

  • If there is a mezuman, it is customary for the homeowner to conduct it.[66]
  • Following Birchas Hamazon, the bracha over wine is recited, and the third of the Four Cups is drunk while reclining.
    • See Seder Highlights for more details regarding the Four Cups.
  • At the conclusion of Birchas Hamazon, a cup is poured in honor of Eliyahu Hanavi,[67] the front door is opened, and a specific paragraph from the haggadah is recited.[68]
    • Some have a custom to refill all the cups when filling the cup for Eliyahu Hanavi.[69]
  • The door is closed, and the Seder resumes with the next step.
  1. Hallel

Specific psalms of thanksgiving to Hashem are recited to acknowledge all that He has done and continues to do for us.

  • While Hallel is recited, every participant must have a full cup of wine in front of him or her.[70]
  • It is best to have at least three people – including women – recite the Hallel together[71]. When reciting “hodu lashem ki tov…” and “ana Hashem…” one person leads, and the others respond – just as it is done at shul.[72]
    • Children under bar/bas mitzvah can also be included, in order to have three people.[73]
  • Tip: Ashkenaz and Sefard versions of the haggadah conclude this step differently. Be sure to have a haggadah that reflects your custom.
  • At the conclusion of Hallel, the bracha over wine is recited, and the fourth cup is drunk while reclining.[74]
    • See Seder Highlights for more details regarding the Four Cups.
  1. Nirtzah

The Seder concludes with the hope that we have done our obligation properly and that next year we will observe it in Yerushalayim.

After the Seder

After the Seder, one continues to discuss Yetziyas Mitzrayim until going to sleep.[75] Many people also have the custom to recite the Book of Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs).[76]



[1] Shulchan Aruch 669:1, Mishna Berura 669:2

[2] Shulchan Aruch 472:2

[3] Mishna Berurah 476:1

[4] Rema 476:2

[5] Shulchan Aruch and Rema 473:4

[6] Shulchan Aruch and Rema 473:4

[7] See Aruch Hashulchan 473:11

[8] Shulchan Aruch 271:9

[9] Mishna Berurah 473:27

[10] Shulchan Aruch 473:4

[11] Mishna Berurah 473:17

[12] Shulchan Aruch 472:16

[13] Yesod V’shoresh Hoavodah 9:6

[14] See Mishna Berurah 60:10

[15] See Mishna Berurah Mahaduras Dirshu (hachadash) 473:1 note 1

[16] See Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 7 P. 5

[17] See Iggros Moshe IV #101

[18] Shulchan Aruch 473:6

[19] See Mishna Berurah Mahaduras Dirshu (hachadash) 473:51 note 63

[20] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder 10:8

[21] See Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 9 P. 2

[22] Shulchan Aruch 473:6

[23] Mishna Berurah 473:55

[24] Shulchan Aruch 473:6

[25] Shulchan Aruch Harav 473:36

[26] Chok Yaakov 472:2

[27] See Halichos Shlomo Hilchos Pesach Orchos Halacha chapter 9 note 210

[28]Rambam Chometz U’ Matzah 7:10

[29] Mishna Berurah 473:71

[30] See Mishna Berurah Mahaduras Dirshu (hachadash) 473:64 note 74

[31] Mishna Berurah 473:4

[32] Mishna Berurah 473:4

[33] Rema 474:1

[34] Shulchan Aruch 473:7

[35] Mishna Berurah 473:74

[36] Sha’ar Hatzion 473:81

[37] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 11 P. 12

[38] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[39] Shulchan Aruch 475:1 Rema 475:7

[40] Mishna Berurah 475:9, for volumes see Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 14 P. 11

[41] Rema 475:1

[42] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[43] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[44] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[45] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[46] Talmud Bavli Pesachim 115

[47] Shulchan Aruch 475:1, Rema 475:7

[48] Shulchan Aruch 475:1

[49] Shulchan Aruch 475:1 Mishna Berurah ad loc. 19

[50] Rema 472:7

[51] Rema 476:1

[52] Mishna Berurah 473:32, 476:1

[53] Mishna Berura 473:32

[54] Rema 476:2

[55] Rema 476:2

[56] Shulchan Aruch 477:1

[57] Shulchan Aruch 477:1

[58] Implied from Mishna Berurah 477:6

[59] Shulchan Aruch 478:1

[60] Kol Dodi Laws of the Seder Ch. 18 P. 9

[61] Mishna Berurah 478:1

[62] Mishna Berurah 491:1

[63] Mishna Berurah 478:4

[64] Shulchan Aruch 479:1

[65] Mishna Berurah 479:1

[66] Rema 479:1

[67] Mishna Berurah 480:10

[68] Rema 480:1

[69] Shulchan Aruch Harav 480:1

[70] Shulchan Aruch 480:1

[71] Mishna Berura 179:9

[72] Mishna Berura 179:9 (A child may be the leader as well – Rema 179)

[73] Mishna Berura 179:9

[74] Shulchan Aruch 480:1

[75] Shulchan Aruch 481:1

[76] Chayei Adam Chapter 130 P.19:16