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Q. I see that some items I buy in the pharmacy contain alcohol; does that mean they are or may be chametz?

A. The answer to this question depends on which type of "alcohol" one is discussing, as follows: Benzyl alcohol, methyl alcohol (a.k.a., methanol), isopropyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol are not made from chametz. Ethyl alcohol, a.k.a. ethanol, can be made from chametz, and isoamyl alcohol is often a byproduct of whisky. These may also appear on an ingredient panel as part of a compound such as ethyl acetate or isoamyl butyrate.

Denatured alcohol, a.k.a. SD Alcohol, is ethyl alcohol which has been blended with other materials to render it not potable; there are different opinions as to whether such alcohol is forbidden on Pesach. In general, the cRc follows the strict opinion on this matter. However, alcohol manufactured in the United States is likely not chametz at all (but rather just kitnios) and, therefore, as relates to that type of alcohol the cRc relies on the lenient opinion that denatured alcohol is permitted. Accordingly, the bottom line is that if the denatured alcohol is in a product manufactured in the United States, one can use the product.