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Steel Wool

Q. I was in a "kosher supermarket" and found a few brands of steel wool without a hechsher. I remember reading that oil is used in the production of steel wool to reduce friction. Does anyone know what type of oil is used? In other words, should all steel wool need to have a reliable hechsher?

A. The experts we spoke to believed mineral oil would be used for this purpose, and since mineral oil is kosher from any source you can feel free to use any steel wool even if it is not kosher-certified.

On a related topic, some steel wool comes with soap already on the steel wool. The soap does not pose a kashrus concern, even if the company acknowledges that it is made from non-kosher animal fat (as one prominent brand does), because soaps are considered inedible. Accordingly, you may use the steel wool even if it contains soap.