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Melba Toast

Q. What bracha does one recite on Melba toast? Also, if I only eat pas Yisroel, do I have to make sure the Melba toast I buy is pas Yisroel?

A. There is a difference of opinion between contemporary Poskim whether the proper bracha for Melba toast is hamotzi (since it is baked as bread before it is toasted) or mezonos (since the bread is baked with the specific intention of converting it to Melba toast). Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, zt"l's opinion is that the first approach is correct, and the bracha is hamotzi. Even those who take the position that the bracha is mezonos agree that hamotzi should be recited if one eats sufficient quantities of Melba toast and/or uses them for a meal.

The term "pas" as relates to pas Yisroel (and many other halachos) includes items upon which one sometimes or always recites hamotzi, and, therefore, Melba toast qualifies as pas according to all opinions. Accordingly, one who is particular to only eat pas Yisroel (year-round or during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah), should not eat Melba toast which is not pas Yisroel.