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Malt in Yoshon Products

Q. I read that it is debatable whether people who only eat yoshon need to be concerned about malt put into flour. Can you explain the issue to me?

A. A very small amount of malt is put into flour, and it is almost always batel b'shishim. At first glance, one would assume that the malt would, therefore, be batel, and the flour would be permitted. The potential issue is that chodosh is a davar sheyesh lo matirim (something which will eventually become permitted - in this case, after Pesach) and, therefore, not eligible for bitul.

However, that special status given to a davar sheyesh lo matirim is limited to mixtures which are min b'mino (i.e., like items) and does not apply to a mixture of malt and flour (see Shulchan Aruch YD 102:1). It is also noteworthy that due to the length of the malting process, chodosh malt does not come to market until somewhat late in the "yoshon season" (likely sometime in December).

Accordingly, many people who are particular to only eat yoshon are lenient and will consume flour without first ascertaining if the malt is chodosh. Whether you should choose to follow this ruling is something that you should discuss with your own Rabbi.