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Fever Reducer

Q. I want to buy a generic version of Tylenol or Motrin, but I have heard that there may be kashrus issues. Can you shed any light on this? Do you know which brands are okay and/or which ingredients to look out for?

A. Liquid medicines are considered edible, and, therefore, one must be certain that the ingredients are kosher before consuming them. The most sensitive of ingredients commonly used in these medicines is "glycerin" (also known as "glycerol"), and the kashrus concerns with that ingredient are that it may be produced from non-kosher animal fat; even if it is made from vegetable oil it may be processed (very hot) on equipment also used for animal fat. Glycerin is edible, sweet tasting, and can comprise as much as 20-30% of a liquid medicine, and, therefore, non-kosher glycerin poses a serious concern for someone consuming liquid medicine.

Liquid medicines may also contain other kosher-sensitive ingredients, but none of those ingredients are as sensitive as glycerin. Chewable pills rarely contain glycerin, but these may also contain some less-sensitive ingredients.

In situations where a child requires one of these products for a more serious need (e.g. high fever, infection) a Rabbi may rule that the child is permitted to take the medicine in spite of the questions regarding the source of glycerin. If you have such a situation, we recommend that you be in touch with your local Rabbi who can answer your specific question.