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Calculating Arlah Years

Q. In June 2022 I planted a dwarf apple tree that I purchased from a nursery. May I eat the fruit of the tree as soon it they grow, or must I wait the arlah years?

A. The Torah says that one must wait three years after a tree is planted before one can eat from its fruit; this mitzvah is called "arlah". During the fourth year, the fruit are called "revai" and may be eaten only after being redeemed in a specific manner. [Speak to your Rabbi about how to redeem revai.] Any fruit that begins growing after the end of the fourth year may be eaten without restriction.

Typically, mitzvos that depend on the land are applicable only in the land of Israel; arlah is an exception, as it applies worldwide. Therefore, your tree is subject to arlah restrictions, and one may not eat or derive benefit from any arlah fruits.

Since you planted your tree in the summer of 2022/5782, it will finish its first year on Rosh Hashanah 2022/5783, its second year on Rosh Hashanah 2023/5784, and the third year of arlah on the 15th of Shevat of 5785 (February 13, 2025). [A young sapling finishes its years on Rosh Hashanah (1 Tishrei), while a tree (older than three years) finishes its years on the 15th of Shevat.] From 15 Shevat 5785 to 15 Shevat 5786 the apples are revai and should be redeemed.

If your tree was older than one year old when you purchased it, the arlah years may be shortened.

(Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick - For more on this topic, see his sefer, Midarkai Ha'ilanos)