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New cRc Kosher App with an Exciting Feature of the Hechsher Logo Scanner!

The New cRc Kosher App is Here, with an Exciting Feature of the Hechsher Logo Scanner!

cRc Kosher is thrilled to announce the release of our completely redesigned app! Built from the ground up with input from kosher consumers worldwide, this new version keeps all your favorite features while adding great new features, enhancing the design and improving the user experience.

Available now in the App Store and Google Play store.

If you already have the cRc app, make sure to update to the newest version.

(Some users may not have the ability to update right away.)

New Feature – Hechsher Logo Scanner!

The #1 requested feature is here: the Hechsher Logo Scanner.   While shopping, if you come across a Kashrus logo you don’t recognize, simply scan it to get detailed information about the certification agency. It’s a groundbreaking innovation!

More New Features:

Global Search: Quickly search across all lists in the app to find exactly what you need. Share Feature: Easily share useful information with your friends directly from the app. Kashrus Alerts: Stay updated with the latest Kashrus alerts right on your phone. Chicago-Area Restaurants: Explore local establishments with an interactive, location-based map. Audio Library: Listen to shiurim on kosher topics anytime, anywhere. FAQ Section: Get answers to common questions in one convenient place. Policies: Access a list of general cRc policies. Ask the Rabbi: Submit questions directly to a Kashrus Rabbi for personalized guidance. Pesach Information: Get seasonal updates on Pesach-related resources.

Our popular lists:

Recommended Hechsherim: A list of recommended Hechsherim from the U.S. and around the world. Food & Beverage Product Lists: Alcoholic Beverages, Beverages, Food, Fruits & Vegetables Checking Guide, Slurpees, and Starbucks products.

Other Essential Resources: Medicine, Non-Food products, Berachos guide, Tevilas Keilim and Kashering guide.

Pesach Information is now live!

The cRc Kosher app – your go-to source for all things kosher!



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