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Kashrus Alerts

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Kashrus Updates Rosh Hashanah 5785 – 2024

cRc Kashrus Update

Rosh Hashanah 5785 – 2024


 cRc Kosher is proud to present a collection of articles relating to Rosh Hashanah & Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, including kashrus articles, updated Pas Yisroel list for 5785, audio shiurim and laws of Yom Tov. These are just a sampling of articles available on our new consumer website:

Simanim Chart

Rosh Hashanah Simanim Chart 2024-5785

Check our Fruit & Vegetable Checking Guide to learn how to check all your fruits and vegetable.


Pas Yisroel

Pas Yisroel

Pas Yisroel and Yoshon Information 2024

Chicago Area Food Establishments

Pas Yisroel During Aseres Y’mei Teshuvah



A Look Behind the Scenes with cRc Kosher: Pre-Rosh Hashana Program

Cholov Yisroel Milk: It’s not Just About Milking Cows, Rabbi Yosef Landa

Pas Yisroel at Commercial Bakeries: The Glow Bar, Rabbi Refoel Dovid     Oppenheimer

Pas Yisroel Cereals, Rabbi Sholem Fishbane

A Sweet New Year: How Do They Get Honey in Plastic Bears, Rabbi     Yochanan Schnall


All About Honey

Check the Kashrus status of:

Honey, including raw


Audio Shiur by Rabbi Dovid Cohen (Shulchan Aruch 84:13): Honey and other Bee Products



Milk and Honey

Bee Products

Honey – All Natural & Unprocessed (Did You Know – Pesach Guide 2024)



Audio Shiurim by Rav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz zt”l

B’Mitzvos Shofar u’v’Mitzvos Chatzotzros (9/21/2011)

Shofar Gazul (9/10/2008)


Hilchos Yom Tov

The Laws of Eruv Tavshilin – Tishrei 5785

Audio Shiur by Rabbi Dovid Cohen (10/1/2016): Adding water to an electric urn on Yom Tov

Simchas Yom Tov

by: Rabbi Yisroel Langer

Errors in Yom Tov Tefilah
        by: Rabbi Yisroel Langer
Inviting Non-Jews for a Yom Tov Meal
        by: Rabbi Yisroel Langer
The Beracha of Shehechiyanu on Yom Tov
        by: Rabbi Yisroel Langer

The cRc wishes the entire community

a Ksiva V’Chasimah Tova,

A Sweet New Year!


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