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Preparing for Pesach takes effort, but with a bit of planning and focus it is possible to succeed and welcome Yom Tov positively. This article’s goal is not to provide details and instructions, but rather to provide a framework of what must be done and issues to consider, and guidance on how to learn more about those topics. This article is written specifically for those who have never made Pesach at home or have not done so for many years, but also may be a good overview for those who have more experience.
Finding ways to be organized and scheduled goes a long way towards having a successful preparatory Pesach season. Many find it helpful to work backwards, thinking which jobs should or must happen on Erev Pesach, which in the days before that, etc. so that they roughly plan when each item will get taken care of.
In this context it is worth noting that many Pesach tasks can be performed well in advance of Yom Tov. For example, one can buy clothes and have them tailored and checked for shatnez, and paper goods can be purchased and put away. Any job that can be taken care of early is one less thing to do on the hectic days just before Pesach.
It may be difficult for one person to perform all the steps needed to prepare for Pesach. Of course, there are tasks that family members, even small children, can help to accomplish, but those who can afford extra help in the house should take advantage of that opportunity.
We can avoid owning chametz on Pesach by selling our chametz to someone who is not Jewish; this is known as mechiras chametz and can be arranged with your local Rabbi. But if we will be home on Pesach, then we must also clean our houses to ensure we do not accidentally eat any chametz on Pesach. We identify all chametz, and either destroy it or put it into a closet that will be closed for Yom Tov and sold to the non-Jew.[1]
Which foods are chametz and must be removed? The letter of the law is that only items which meet these three requirements must be removed:
Chametz includes just about everything made with wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt.
Ashkenazim do not eat kitnios (corn, rice, soy, beans, et al) on Pesach, but do not have to remove them from their homes.
Many medicines, cosmetics and toiletries are free of chametz or deemed inedible and, therefore, “not chametz”. Others should only be kept if they are known to be chametz-free. Similar rules apply to cleaning products and certain other non-foods.
All Are Acceptable
All varieties of these items are acceptable for Pesach:
Ammonia, baby oil, bleach, blush, body wash, candles, contact lens solution, detergent, dishwashing soap, eye drops, eye liner, eye shadow, furniture polish, hair gel, hairspray, isopropyl alcohol, liquid dish soap, lotions, mascara, mineral oil, nail polish, nail polish remover, ointments, oven cleaner, petroleum jelly, sanitizers (e.g., Purell), shampoo, shaving lotion, silver polish, soaps, sponges
Further listings are at
Pet foods are considered edible, and if they contain chametz they (a) cannot be served to pets on Pesach, and (b) must be put aside with the “sold” chametz.
For example, there is no need to get rid of one solitary Cheerio or chametz crumbs (because they are smaller than an olive), or a dirty pretzel underneath a bed (since no one would eat that, even if it is technically edible).[2]
For example, you must remove chametz which is in the folds of a couch, under a bed or dresser, or in one’s office, but not if it is behind a refrigerator or underneath the washing machine.
The above reflects the letter of the law and is appropriate for situations when one has no other choice. But the longstanding minhag is to thoroughly clean one’s home and remove even the smallest bits of chametz. Those who have questions as to how this applies to their situation, should discuss their family dynamics with their local Rabbi.
Basic Cleaning Guide
A second part of preparing for Pesach is shopping for an entire pantry worth of food. The simplest reason for that is that many foods require special hashgachah for Pesach. But the truth is that even if a particular product doesn’t need special hashgachah, it is prudent to purchase a new package or container to ensure that there are no crumbs or other residue of chametz in the package which was used before Pesach.
Meat, poultry, fish, wine, and grape juice are typically available as kosher for Pesach well before Yom Tov. After Purim, one can also purchase most dry goods, spices, frozen foods beverages, Pesach matzah, and many other staples. If those are bought in advance, the only shopping needed just before Pesach will be fresh fruits and vegetables, and (fresh) prepared foods.
In shopping for food, keep in mind the needs of infants, children, pets, and those who are ill. Which type of formula, pet food, nutritional supplement, and medicinal items might be needed? What about toothpaste, mouthwash, and other toiletries for the rest of the family? Which ones are suitable for Pesach, and if the regular choice is not acceptable, which substitute is available? Getting answers to these questions early will avoid a last-minute emergency.
A related issue is to consider other Yom Tov shopping needs such as for clothing, shoes, shaitels (and haircuts), paper goods, presents, and Hagaddos, and plan for them accordingly.
Whenever hot food comes in contact with a pot, dish, counter, sink, oven, dishwasher, piece of silverware, or anything else, some of the food’s taste/flavor is absorbed into the pot etc. Accordingly, if these items were used with chametz during the year, we cannot use them for Pesach unless they undergo a process known as hechsher keilim or “kashering”.
Items made of ceramic or glass cannot be kashered, and for this reason China, Corelle, mugs, and drinking glasses must be replaced for Pesach. In addition, dishwashers, colanders, and other items with small crevices or holes where food might be trapped, also cannot be kashered. One other basic rule of kashering is that nothing can be kashered unless it first is left unused for 24 consecutive hours. Lastly, generally, kashering cannot be performed on Pesach. Based on these considerations, most people will:
Details of how to kasher the kitchen can be found on the cRc website, which also includes a video demonstration of the process.
Those who will be purchasing new pots, dishes, flatware, peelers, and other kitchen utensils for Pesach should remember that generally, they must undergo tevillah before they are used.
In the final days leading up to Pesach, the house must be converted from one where people are eating and using chametz, to one which is going to be used for Pesach. Most people want to be able to eat chametz till the “last minute”, but at the same time the house must be cleaned, the kitchen kashered, and cooking must begin so there will be something to eat once Yom Tov starts.
There are different ways to deal with this logistical issue. Some pointers include:
One may own kitnios on Pesach, such that even after a room has been cleaned for Pesach it is perfectly fine to eat rice, corn, beans or other kitnios foods there.
Timing the kashering
The choice of when to kasher the kitchen is a balance between people wanting to continue eating chametz as long as possible, the need to cook food for Pesach in advance, and technical issues such as that one can only kasher if the item has not been used for the previous 24 hours. One way to resolve this issue is to kasher one part of the kitchen (e.g., the meat side) a few days before the rest.
Erev Pesach can occur on four days of the week – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Shabbos – and the day to kasher depends somewhat on that.
When Erev Pesach is on Monday, most families will kasher their kitchen some time before Shabbos Hagadol (e.g., Wednesday night), and basically eat Pesach food for that Shabbos. Any chametz food, such as challah, will be carefully controlled and kept away from Pesach pots, dishes, etc.
In contrast, when Erev Pesach is on Friday or Shabbos, most families will eat chametz food for the Shabbos before Pesach, and then kasher after Shabbos. An advantage to kashering just after Shabbos is that no one cooks etc. on Shabbos such that (just about) everything has not been used for 24 hours and is ready for kashering.
When Erev Pesach is on Wednesday, some will kasher before Shabbos and others will wait until afterwards.
On the night before Pesach, we must search for chametz in all parts of the house where food is ever brought. The mitzvah, called bedikas chametz, is to use a candle or flashlight to look for the types of chametz which one cannot own on Pesach, as defined above in Section B. The halacha states that this must be (a) performed in homes, offices, dormitory rooms, summer homes, and all areas where chametz might have been eaten, and (b) a thorough check of all “cracks and crevices”, which would include under beds, the folds of a couch, clothing pockets, pantry shelves, etc. There is a difference of opinion as to whether this type of “full” bedikas chametz is required if the house has already been thoroughly cleaned, and one should consult with their Rabbi on this issue.
Bear in mind that when Erev Pesach is on Wednesday, one must create an Eruv Tavshilin on Erev Pesach. When Erev Pesach is on Friday, an Erev Tavshilin is needed on Thursday of Chol HaMoed (the day before the second days of Yom Tov).
On the morning of Erev Pesach, one may only eat chametz until a given time called sof zman achilas chametz, and all chametz must be destroyed/burned or sold by a somewhat later time. These times vary based on the date and location.
There are many items to purchase and prepare for the Seder. Some of these tasks can be taken care of a few days before Pesach, and others will have to happen on Erev Pesach, as follows:
Have Available
Details of how to prepare the Seder plate can be found on the cRc website where there is also a video demonstration of the steps needed.
In addition to the physical items needed for the Seder, it is important that everyone be well rested and that the participants give thought to the ideas and ideals they will share at this important time.
Chametz which was owned by a Jewish person over Pesach, may not be eaten or used by anyone even after Pesach ends. Towards this end one must ascertain that any Jewish-owned grocers have sold their chametz.
[1] There are two reasons one must clean their home for Pesach: Firstly, the Torah forbids us from owning chametz on Pesach. Secondly, we are accustomed to eating chametz all year round and getting rid of it ensures no one will mistakenly eat it on Pesach. We can satisfy the first reason by selling our chametz, but that will not help for the second one.
[2] It is forbidden to eat even the tiniest bit of chametz, but assuming one performs bitul chametz (recited after “bedikas chametz”), they may keep it in their possession as long as it is very small or so undesirable that no one would want to eat it.